Release notes

The innius platform

20 January 2025

Insight App: Version 3.7.5

Operations App: Version 4.1.3

Admin App: Version 3.9.7

Automatic Downtime Reason Assignment

Building on our comprehensive Downtime Reasons functionality launched in November 2024, this update enables automatic assignment of downtime reasons when only one reason is available for a downtime period.

This release makes it possible to automatically assign a reason for a given period of downtime, when only one reason is available. This further reduces the need for manual input by operators. The downtime periods are visible to operators and managers and clearly defined as having their reason defined automatically.

This functionality builds upon the existing short stop detection tool, which automatically assigns a reason when a short stop is detected. These settings can be found in the Admin app.

Script Editor Updates

The Script Editor, available in the Admin App, has been enhanced to improve its functionality and user experience when working with virtual sensors:

  • New Now Function:
    The Now function returns the UNIX timestamp (in seconds) of the script execution target time, matching the timestamp assigned to the script’s output values.

    • Applications:
      • Record timestamps for specific events.
      • Compare the current or recorded timestamps with outputs from lasttime, lasttimebetween, or incoming sensor data.
      • Ensure precise tracking when other timestamp functions depend only on the most recent condition match.
  • Case Sensitivity Removed:
    Script writing is now case-insensitive, minimizing errors and improving usability.

Other Updates

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance overall platform stability and efficiency.

10 October 2024

Release 3.8.0

Innius Connectors for IXON Routers

We are excited to announce the release of Innius 3.8.0, further enhancing our platform’s connectivity capabilities. This update introduces compatibility with IXON routers, expanding the range of supported hardware for seamless machine connections to the Innius platform.

With this release, we continue to reinforce Innius’ position as a hardware-independent solution in the IIoT market. You can now connect your machinery using IXON routers, alongside the existing support for Ewon modems and MQTT-based connectors.

The changes are available in the Innius Admin app, where the Add Connector wizard has been updated to include the IXON modem option.

Bug Fixes: In addition to the new IXON router support, this release includes various bug fixes and performance improvements. These updates ensure greater stability, reliability, and efficiency in your experience with the Innius platform.

We are committed to providing you with more flexible connectivity solutions, and we hope you enjoy the enhanced capabilities of Innius 3.8.0. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions to help us further improve your experience with our platform.

31 January 2024

Release 3.6.2

Creating and editing scripts has just become easier thanks to a new feature allowing the export and import of scripts.

Script Export and Import

Virtual sensors are one of the most useful parts of the innius platform. They produce data based on scripts, made in the script editor. The script editor can be found for each machine in the Admin app.

This new feature of the script editor allows existing scripts to be exported as a .json file and then imported in a new script. This enables scripts to be copied from one machine to another. This makes the process of copying the logic behind a virtual sensor faster and less susceptible to errors.

Other small interface improvements and minor bug fixes.

15 January 2024

Release 3.6.1

Batch Report and other updates.

We announce our first release of 2024!

Batch Report Configuration

The value types available for Batch sensors have increased to 4 options. These are displayed in the Batch reports and show the sensor values for the given batch period as follows:

Average: Average of the values during the batch period.

Last: Last value received during the batch period.

Sum: Total sum of the values received during the batch period.

Incremental sum: Adds each value received during the batch period, but only if each new value is higher than the previous value.

To learn more about configuring Batch and Recipe sensors in the Admin app you can refer to our Knowledge Base article How to configure Batch and Recipe sensors which discusses this in detail. There is also an article showing how to use the Batch report itself in the Insight app.

Other small interface improvements and minor bug fixes.

12 December 2023

Release 3.6.0

Batch Report & Dashboards

We’ve got another release announcement! Version 3.6.0 updates the Batch Report configuration and the innius plugin for Grafana dashboards.

Batch Report Configuration Improvements

The Batch Report in the Insight app displays sensor data which has been selected as having a relationship with a batch sensor. For each batch the sensor data can then be viewed in a stacked bar graph, and underneath in a data table. There are various sensor uses and so it is possible to view the data as either average, last or sum values. In the past this switch between value types was done in the Insight app, and this selection was then applied to all the displayed sensors.

But typically, only one of the value types: average, last or sum, will logically apply to each sensor. With this latest release the value type selection has been moved to the Admin app, where batch sensor relationships are defined. This new configuration allows the value type: average, last or sum, to be defined individually for each sensor and then saved.

By moving this to the Admin app, it simplifies use of the Batch report in the Insight app, and ensures the data is viewed consistently.

To learn more about configuring Batch and Recipe sensors in the Admin app you can refer to our Knowledge Base article ‘How to configure batches and recipes’ which discusses this in detail. There is also an article ‘Analysis Reports’ showing how to use the Batch report itself in the Insight app.

Grafana dashboard visualization enhancements

Based on extensive input from our customers, we’ve updated the innius plugin for Grafana, known as the ‘simple grpc data source’. The update enhances the options for visualizing data, which is explained in detail in our Knowledge Base article: ‘How to create a Grafana dashboard’.

In summary there are three query types:

  1. Get metric history; to show non-aggregated data.
  2. Get metric value; to show the last value of a selected time period.
  3. Get metric aggregates; to show aggregate data based on the selected time period.

Then there are two types of view:

  1. Interpolated. Raw data that is interpolated according to the innius sensor frequency and last known values.
  2. Changes. Time series data that only contains values which are different to the proceeding value.

Then if ‘Changes’ are being viewed there is a Visual Optimization option to ‘Fill Begin and End’, where a previous value is added to the beginning and last known data point is added to the end of the query period.

23 August 2023

Release 3.5.0

Webhooks & Script Editor updates

We are excited to announce the release of Innius version 3.5.0. This includes a new webhooks feature, useability improvements for scripts and some minor bug fixes and updates.

New Webhook feature

Our new Webhook feature enhances your ability to seamlessly integrate innius with Maintenance Management System (MMS) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) systems. Empowering you to optimise asset management and maintenance operations even further.

Managed from the Company page in the innius Admin app, the webhook configuration tool enables you to effortlessly share relevant Innius data with your preferred MMS or EAM software. This includes software such as IFS Ultimo and McMain, which are widely utilized in manufacturing plants.

The webhook feature further enhances the interoperability of the innius platform beyond our existing integration features, such as the Sensor API and Grafana dashboard plugins. Webhooks are characterised by ease of use, as events are proactively sent to a specific endpoint, without manual requests to pull or modify data as APIs do.

The webhook publishes data based on either Sensor value changes or Sensor status changes, categorized as emergency, cautionary, or normal.

Script editor usability improvements

There are also useability updates to the script editor, which is used when configuring virtual sensors in the innius Admin app. An important consideration when using this, is to ensure that all the sensor frequencies are synchronized. Previously the user simply had to know which frequencies the sensors were configured to. But now we have added the sensor frequency data and the frequency of the script itself into the editor page. This makes it much easier to ensure that all sensors are correctly synchronized.

Other minor updates and bug fixes have also been deployed.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and are committed to continuously improving your innius experience.

18 July 2023

Release 3.4.0

Innius Connectors for MQTT Integration

We are thrilled to announce the release of innius 3.4.0, introducing a significant enhancement to our platform’s connectivity capabilities. This update brings you the requested MQTT compatibility feature, allowing seamless connection of machines to the innius platform using MQTT-based Connectors. With this release, we expand our support beyond Ewon devices, providing greater flexibility and compatibility for connecting your machinery to the innius platform.

The changes are to be found in the innius Admin app and consist of:

  • A new panel for each machine profile, showing the connectors related to that machine.
  • A new Connectors page, which lists all the connectors your company has. This also indicates whether the connector method is MQTT or Ewon.
  • Updated Add Connector wizard, which includes the MQTT options.

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight and widely adopted messaging protocol. This integration facilitates efficient and reliable communication between your machinery and the innius platform.

Bug Fixes:

This release also includes several bug fixes and performance enhancements to deliver a smooth and seamless user experience. We have addressed various issues to improve the overall stability, reliability, and responsiveness of the innius platform.

We hope you enjoy the enhanced connectivity options and the expanded capabilities of innius 3.4.0. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions to further improve your experience with our platform.

29 September 2022

Release 3.2.4

OEE Drilldown report

With this release we’re pleased to announce the launch of a new report, the OEE Drilldown Report. This builds on our commitment to support Innius users as they work to improve productivity, as measured by the Overall Equipment Effectiveness KPI.

The OEE Drilldown Report presents OEE data for the selected period in a bar graph based upon the recognisable textbook OEE diagram. It allows a quick drilldown into the OEE calculation data for availability, performance, and quality, and the corresponding amounts of loss. This is particularly useful because it enables different loss types to be compared and decisions to be made about the most effective way to raise OEE.

The Available time (100%) is based on the machine’s on-time during the selected time period.

Other small improvements and bug fixes have also been made.

25 May 2022

Release 3.2.1

Based on requests and feedback from users, the Downtime report has been updated in the Insight app. This makes it possible to analyze the duration, occurrence and reasons for downtime based on shifts and compare the results.

Other improvements and bug fixes have also been made.

15 September 2021

Release 3.1.5

We’ve updated the user interface of our Insight, Admin and Operations apps, with the latest Angular 12 framework.

Other improvements and bug fixes have also been made.

13 April 2021

Release 3.1.3

Insight Reports

Users of our reports will be pleased to learn that we’ve updated a number of reports to add data tables which can be exported as a Microsoft Excel file. This applies to the following reports:

  • Batch Report
  • Downtime Report
  • Location History Report
  • OEE Report
  • Quality Report
  • KPI details

An example of the Downtime report with new export function.

Other improvements and bug fixes have also been made.

1 February 2021

Release 3.1.2

Batch Report

We’ve made an update to the Batch Report based on customer feedback which makes it possible to switch between average sensor values and last sensor values for each batch.

We’ve also improved the layout to make clearer that a recipe isn’t required to plot results, and actually works to filter data already plotted.

Other bug fixes and improvements

9 November 2020

Release 3.1.0

In-app product updates

As we continue to develop our services, we want to keep you informed about the latest and greatest innius features. To do this we have added a mechanism for us to post in-app messages relating to new product releases and updates. You will recognise this when you see the gift icon. Click it to open the message and dismiss when read.

Sunsetting old webapp

In June 2020 we released the new innius Insight app. We are pleased to see that the changeover for users has gone smoothly and the response extremely positive.

This now puts us in a position to be able to sunset the old webapp, which we expect to finalise by Friday 13th November 2020.

Service status

It is important to stay informed in the event of an innius service outage or downtime. To keep you updated, we have now added an innius service status page:

You can access the Service status page via the ‘Support’ menu on our website or in-app menus (user menu in desktop, side navigation in mobile).

The ‘Subscribe to updates’ button provides a number of options to keep informed with service incidents when they occur.

Streamlined support

The support process has been improved to make it easier to submit support requests and for us to respond. In addition to streamlining our internal procedures the link to submit support requests has been added to the in-app menus (found in the user menu in desktop, and side navigation in mobile). Again, this can also be accessed via the ‘Support’ menu on our website, with the button ‘Support request’.

The support request form can be used for any innius service questions, errors, feature requests or advice you may need. It allows our support staff to respond quickly and efficiently and generates a ticket number, the status of which can be tracked online. It also enables you to receive updates via email.

As usual other small improvements and bug fixes have also been made.

22 July 2020

Release 3.0.2

Documents and media:

The ‘Documents and media’ function has been added into the Insight app. This allows document and media files uploaded to machines via the Admin app to be downloaded and viewed.

In desktop the Documents and media page can be accessed via the button in the top right of the Machine profile and Insight pages. In mobile the button can be found on the ‘Other’ tab on machine profile page.

Logistics data report:

  • Graphs have been fixed in the print version.
  • The total and average values have been added beneath each graph.

…and other minor bug fixes and improvements.

11 June 2020

Release 3.0

Release 3.0 marks the launch of the new innius Insight app, which will replace the existing Android and Insight webapp.

You will immediately notice that tiles and icons with tooltips are used throughout to give a cleaner, fresher design but present more information. Such as the homepage which now displays machine tiles with status icons.

Device or browser notifications and the ability to reply to comments and events is now available across all devices.

The Insight app has been built from the ground up around ease of navigation. The main feature of this is the machine profile page which is the central point to navigate around each machine. The navigation is also improved by using breadcrumbs to move back and forth, dropdown titles to switch between pages, and search boxes.

The machine profile page contains a machine timeline which collates all the events and comments associated with the machine. The page also shows the machine status, and if the status is cautionary or emergency – which sensor/s have caused this.

Clicking through to the new Insight page, presents all the KPI, sensor and tasks together in one place. The panels can be expanded or collapsed.

For the sensor and KPI details pages, the related events and comments have been brought together on a timeline next to the graphs, giving much greater context as to what is going on. Another new feature for the KPI details is that shift graphs are now shown below all the KPI graphs. Clicking the print button allows these pages to be printed or printed to pdf, allowing the information to be distributed easily.

Reports all now have their own tile on the new report page, which improves navigation. It includes all the existing reports from the webapp and a new location history report. Reports are only available in the browser version on tablet and desktop sized screens.

The entire app is available is either Dutch or English language, which can be changed via the user settings, accessed by clicking on the user profile icon. Dates and times are displayed in the format based on the users’ browser settings.

Note: For the time being the old Insight webapp and Android app remain available but will, in time, be phased out.

7 May 2020

Release 2.5

This release underscores Innius’ commitment to respond to user feedback and make this a priority of our product development. Release 2.5 deals specifically with user requests for the Operations and Admin apps.

Admin only access to the Admin app

There was a desire amongst users to sharpen access rights so that only admin users have the right to configure machines. We’ve responded in a straight-forward way by making the Admin app, only accessible to users with an assigned admin role.

Multiple API keys available

As Innius is increasingly integrated with other systems, more API keys are needed than just one. For this reason, we now have the option to use up to five API keys. This can be found on the Company page of the Admin app.

Operations app sensors now display previous values

An issue for users of manual sensors in the Operations app, was not knowing what the previous submitted value was, and thus whether something had already been submitted or not. We’ve updated the tiles to show this in the placeholder texts, which ensures that ease of use is maintained.

Search function for discrete manual sensors

Discrete manual sensors show a list of predefined options in the Operations app. We had feedback that in some cases the list of options can be very long, and scrolling isn’t the fastest way of finding the correct input. We have therefore added an auto-complete search function above the list of options.

…and other minor bug fixes and improvements.

16 July 2019

Release 2.4

Several bug fixes and performance improvements.

17 May 2019

Release 2.3

Working closely with our customers allows us to see first-hand how innius is applied to different businesses. This has directly led us to identify several improvements which we’re pleased to announce in this release as new features.

New Batch Details report

Once again, we are pleased to launch another report to analyze production. This time the ‘Batch Details report’. This shows the details relating to a specific batch, and so differs from the ‘Batch report’ announced in release 2.1, which provides an overall comparison of different batches.

With this report it is possible to analyze each batch in greater detail and to filter the data based on recipe. For each batch you can select the applicable sensors to give you the right insights, such as the duration of each production step taken to produce the batch. It therefore becomes immediately clear which step has taken most production time.

Time-based sensors

Some data is primarily governed by time. For that we’ve created a forth type of sensor: ‘Time-based sensors’. This allows sensor values to be pre-defined and relayed at specific times.

For example, a Production Manager might want to monitor the energy usage of a production line in relation to the electricity cost. In addition to physical sensors which monitor usage, data also needs to be generated to reflect the cost. This changes at set times, and therefore a time-based sensor can be used to predefine the data for peak and off-peak times. The data is then relayed at those times like a normal sensor, with no need for an extra physical sensor, or writing of a script.

Counter option for OEE calculation

A new feature for the OEE configuration is the option to use counter sensors to register the actual machine performance. Again, this feature is derived directly from our contact with users, where it was seen that counter sensors as opposed to rate sensors are often the physical sensors used.

Auto-update in the Operations app

Tile values in the Operation app now update automatically and across devices. This means that if more than one device is being used to submit values for manual sensors for the same machine, all tiles are automatically kept up to date with the latest values, even if the submission was on another device.

Automatic control of manual sensors

Another improvement is that manual sensors can now be automatically controlled by defining them as an output in a script. An example use case is that standstill reasons can be automatically reset when a machine starts production again.

10 May 2019

Release 2.2

Several bug fixes and performance improvements.

25 February 2019

Release 2.1

New Batch report:

  • We’re continuing to build on the capabilities to analyse production processes with the launch of another new report. This time called the Batch report, and can be found in the reporting section, together with the other types of reports in the Insight app. This report makes it possible to analyze machine data per batch. The report presents stacked bar graph per batch number. With the data from various machine sensors stacked.
  • One of the powerful things about the Batch report is that it enables analysis of different batches as they move through the different steps of a production process, even in real-time.
  • To establish the relationship between the machine data sensors and the relevant batch number sensor, an extra field has been added to the advanced panel of the sensor configuration page, in the Admin app.

Operations app improvement:

  • Discrete manual sensors are those used in the operations app, where the user can choose from pre-defined values. Often this is used by production line workers to choose the reason for a machine standstill. We have updated this sensor, so that the current (last submitted) value is displayed on the sensor tile in the Operations app. This gives user’s feedback, so that they know what has been the latest submitted value.

4 January 2019

Release 2.0

We’re thrilled to kick off 2019 with a new product release: innius 2.0.

What’s new in the Insight app:

  • A NEW logistics data report. This powerful business tool allows production companies using ERP or MES production order data to combine this with realtime machine production data. This works by connecting the production order data to innius via an API; and defining the ERP/MES properties of the machine using the properties functionality in innius.  You can read more about the value this powerful feature brings in our blog post.

Improvements in the Insight app:

  • The benchmarking report has seen several UX and performance improvements, particularly to the filter options.

Improvements to the dashboards:

  • The dashboarding functionality has been rebranded as a NEW app, enhancing the user experience.
  • To transfer existing dashboards from the old app to the dashboards 2.0 app, follow the steps outlined in this Knowledge Base article.
  • The user experience when logging into the dashboards has been aligned to the other innius apps.
  • The way in which the relationship between companies and users is modelled, has been brought into line with the other innius apps. This allows more than one user per company to use the same dashboard.
  • It is possible now to authorize users as either viewers or admins. It’s also possible to setup dashboard authorization, to restrict access to dashboards, etc.

App navigation

  • We have a NEW app switcher. You’ll find this on the app bar, allowing simple switching between the different innius apps.

15 November 2018

Release 1.17

We’re pleased to announce yet more customer value with innius’ release 1.17.

What’s new in the Admin app:

  • The OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) configuration has an improved interface and it is now an option to define fixed values for the maximum machine rate.
  • The task flow for the add connector process has been improved. Auto-complete has been added to machine selection field, a summary of the selected machines is now shown in step 4 and the download buttons respond to the user flow.
  • User experience and interface improvements to the sensor configuration. The content is now displayed in panels. The rule configuration has been moved to a sub-page.
  • Other interface and user experience improvements.

Improvements in the Insight app:

  • A new benchmarking report. This allows you to compare the capacity utilization, OEE and downtime for different machines within a company.
  • Sensors and KPIs are now only shown as tiles, not lists.

Restructuring and rebranding of the web app

  • In line with the previous release, we’re continuing to split the functionality between the Insight and Admin apps, to improve user experience for different types of users. The Admin app is now complete in terms of admin functionality.
  • The following functions have been removed from the Insight app side menu and are now to be found in the Admin app: People, Downloads and Network.
  • The following functions have been removed from the Insight app machine menu and are now to be found in the machine profiles within the Admin app: Change location, Script editor, Machine sharing, Shifts, Delete machine and Delete data.

5 October 2018

Release 1.16

We proudly present release 1.16 of innius:

What’s new in the Admin app:

  • The functionality around machine connections has been developed into what is called Connectors. This recognizes that more than one machine can be connected using the same OPC UA or eWON Flexy connection.
  • Using an eWON Flexy modem to connect a machine is now even easier; as we’ve replaced the Java method with the industry standard MQTT protocol.
  • Sensors now have a data type setting, with three options available; discrete, continuous and counter. Discrete sensors produce data based upon predefined values. Continuous sensor data values vary depending upon whatever was measured. A counter sensor, produces values which count consecutively up, until it is reset. These three data types, affect the default graph style in sensor details in insight app, and which reports are available.
  • A new functionality, machine properties, has been added. This supports data analytics and third-party data integrations. It’s possible to create custom or choose predefined properties.


  • It is now possible to use real-time sensor values within dashboards.
  • It is now possible to use view the OEE input measurements as separate values within dashboards.

Improvements in the Insight app:

  • KPI performance has been improved.
  • A button has been added to allow manual refresh of the KPI data.
  • Several bug fixes.

18 July 2018

Release 1.15

Admin app:

  • In line with previous releases, we’re continuing to work towards a set of branded apps with their own defined functionality. As part of this the following functionality has been copied from the web app ‘innius Insight’ to the web app ‘innius Admin’:
    • Machine list, which is now in a tile rather than list format.
    • Machine map view
    • Machine profile page. A new feature, which provides a summary of all the machine related information and acts as a central navigation point for each machine.
    • KPI configuration
    • Location setting
    • Script editor
    • Sensor configuration
    • Documents and media function
  • Note that for now all these functions are still available in the web app Insight.


Insight Android app:

  • Parts & Specifications are disabled, due to reorganization of the functionallity. They’ll be available again soon.
  • Bugs relating to notifications, their icons and status indicators have been fixed.
  • A bug where the machine name which was missing from some conversation headers, had been repaired.

Bug fixes Insight web app, including:

  • A bug preventing some documents from being downloaded has been fixed.
  • It’s no longer possible to create machines with the same name.

15 June 2018

Release 1.14

We present innius release 1.14, which includes:

Bug fixes for web apps, including:

  • It is no longer possible to create machines with the same name.
  • Triggered tasks now display in the list.
  • The OPC DA download button has been fixed.
  • Inviting people to dashboards no longer generates cookie errors.

Bugs fixes for Android app, including:

  • A bug which caused sensor threshold changes arriving at the same time, to display incorrectly, has been fixed.
  • Bugs relating to incorrect notification icons have been fixed.

18 April 2018

Release 1.13

We proudly present release 1.13 of innius, which includes:

Updated login technology

  • innius takes security seriously. So we’ve upgraded our login authentication by adopting the latest technology built by the highly respected Auth0.

Restructuring and rebranding of the web app

  • In line with the previous release, we’re continuing to work towards a set of branded apps with their own defined functionality. As part of this the web app has been renamed: ‘innius Insight’ and a new app has been launched: ‘innius Admin’.
  • In the coming releases, expect to see functionality used to create and define moved across from innius Insight to innius Admin. innius Insight will be used to view and analyze data.
  • The machine creation function has already been moved to innius Admin. And it kicks off with an enhanced way of doing this, called ‘Auto discovery’. By uploading a json or txt file, you can discover and create multiple sensors for a machine in one go.
  • So note that when clicking ‘Add machine’ in innius Insights, you’ll now be redirected to innius Admin.
  • Switching between the various apps is possible using the app switching option in the side menu.

innius Insight improvements

  • We’ve launched a new type of report: Downtime report. This shows a Pareto analysis of the different causes of machine downtime and identifying which are having the greatest impact.
  • A download page has been created to allow the Machine-side apps for eWon, OPC DA and OPC UA to be downloaded.
  • UX improvement to sensor tiles when value mapping is used.

Dashboard functionality improvements

  • An improved user interface.
  • The new dashboard layout engine allows for much easier movement and sizing of panels; as other panels now move out of the way in a very intuitive way. Panels are sized independently, so rows are no longer necessary to create layouts.
  • There’s dashboard folders to organize dashboards.
  • Permissions on folders and dashboards.
  • The ability to add non-innius users.

innius Insight for Android improvements

  • It is now possible to move the sensor and KPI graphs along to view historic data.
  • In message attachments, now display a file type icon.
  • Videos can now be added as attachments to messages.

innius Insight for Android bug fixed

  • Sensor icons now correspond with the sensor kind.

22 February 2018

Release 1.12

We proudly present release 1.12 of innius, which includes:

Web application

  • It’s now possible to choose scripts within the script editor, removing the need for a separate dialog screen. Additionally, the script editor interface has been improved to distinguish between the controls for the script itself and those for the script versions. This enhances the user experience and gives a clearer indication of whether a script is active or not, and which version it is using.
  • A number of dashboard bugs have been solved. One of these fixes means that it’s now possible to add users with only viewing rights.
  • A new report has been made available: Quality Analysis. This shows fault data and manual sensor data from the innius operations app in relation to production batches.
  • We’ve also made it possible to edit sensor names.

innius insight for Android

  • The mobile application has been renamed ‘innius insight for Android’. This new branding reflects innius’ longer term strategy for a number of apps, each with their own defined functionality.
  • Another improvement is that it is now possible to add attachments to messages.

innius operations – completely new app!

  • innius operations is a new web based application allowing the manual input of operational data. This has a huge significance when generating and monitoring KPIs, such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). It allows faults and errors to be registered on the shop floor, where quality is monitored manually. It also allows machine stoppages to be registered in cases where the stoppage would prevent a sensor data being recorded, such as during a machine power outage.
  • See to access the Operations app.

Machine-side apps (OPC)

  • The software has been updated, part of which results in an improved user flow.

eWON integration

  • The eWON integration software has been improved and updated, making it even more stable.

8 January 2018

Release 1.11

We proudly present release 1.11 of innius, which includes:

New functionality:

  • Now possible to do sensor value forecasting. This includes notifications possibility based on forecasting rules. For the sensors with forecasting rules setup, it is possible to view the forecasting data in the detailed sensor graphs.
  • It is possible to delete persons from your account


  • Readability of all text in the web app
  • Redesigned sensor & KPI tiles
  • Improved usability of shift configuration
  • Improved setup of sensor rules at the sensor configuration page
  • All notifications in mobile app have icons now

Bug fixes:

  • Value mapping setup of sensor is fixed for multiple sensor creation
  • New messages appearing on the machine timeline again
  • Number of decimals displayed in the sensor tiles are rounded correctly

8 November 2017

Release 1.10

We proudly present release 1.10 of innius, which includes:

New functionality:

  • Possibility to create a 30-day trial account and demo machines (see
  • Demo machines have been given an indicator to distinguish them from real machines.
  • Improved machine-side connectors, including machine & sensor heartbeat verification.
  • Full translations for messages & notifications created by the machine.
  • A new report is available to compare sensor data, visualized in histograms.
  • New visualizations for sensor detail graphs. Now we have 3 options: line graph, bar graph & step graph.
  • Sensor value mapping is now possible for enumerated sensor data (e.g. product code, recipe code). This is used in the sensor comparison report.


  • Several bug fixes

27 September 2017

Release 1.9

We proudly present release 1.9 of innius, which includes:
New functionality:

  • To get a better overview of the machine tasks, filters has been added in the mobile app.
  • When you don’t have a machine to connect with innius directly, it is now possible to create and run a demo machine to see the full capability of the innius platform.
  • The app feedback is available in the web app as well.


  • Machine documents are now loaded in caching memory.
  • Icons for tasks has been changed for a better user experience.
  • Improved sensor detailed graph.
  • Performance improvements.

Fixed bugs:

  • Number of decimals shown on sensor detail page according to sensor configuration.

18 August 2017

Release 1.8

We proudly present release 1.8 of innius, which includes:

New functionality:

  • We are now introducing Machine Tasks. These can be triggered manually and/or by machine rules based on sensor values.
  • Sensor thresholds have been replaced by Rules. With this we are introducing a new step to transform the machine data into machine information.
  • Language settings to change the user interface language for both the Web and mobile app.
  • New visualization add-ins for dashboards, also to visualize the KPI’s for a complete production line (Beta functionality).
  • It is now possible to create dashboards for machines which are shared by a trusted relation.
  • Ability to create virtual sensors and their algorithms without a need of a physical sensor.


  • Updated integration with eWON Flexy, which enables an easier and faster way to connect with innius.
  • UI changes for better user experience.
  • Performance enhanced to process large data sets more quickly.

11 July 2017

Release 1.7

We proudly present release 1.7 of innius, which includes:


  • UI changes in the Web app for better User Experience
  • Whole new user interface for the Mobile app for a better user experience

Fixed bugs:

  • Performance enhanced to process large data sets more quickly

31 May 2017

Release 1.6

We proudly present release 1.6 of innius, which includes:

New functionality:

  • Configurable time buckets for sensor graphs, both in mobile app and web app
  • BETA – Dashboard functionality in the web app – fully custom – create your own dashboards for your KPI and Sensor data
  • New KPI for Energy Efficiency.
  • Easy machine creation, possible to create a machine without the Excel template in the web app.
  • Possibility to export & import sensor settings of a machine in the web app.
  • New sensor integration default configuration for eWON Flexy modem.
  • New sensor integration default configuration for OPC DA protocol
  • New section ‘About’ for general information in the web app
  • Messages are placed on the machine timeline when sensors are created or deleted and KPIs are created or changed
  • Webhooks available, for integration to backend systems


  • UI changes in the Web app for better User Experience

Fixed bugs:

  • Sorting added at member list page of Authorization groups in the web app
  • Machine connection status visible when machine list is loaded for the first time in the mobile app
  • Swiping away a notification in the app does not crashes it anymore in the mobile app

12 April 2017

Release 1.5

We proudly present release 1.5 of innius, which includes:

Web application

New functionality:

  • Detailed OEE report which is also printable
  • Possibility to configure shifts per machine via the Shift configuration page.
  • Shifts are visualized in KPI and sensor data pages.
  • Possibility to view the realtime KPIs
  • Realtime KPI detailed data page
  • Realtime Sensor detailed data page.


  • Several lay-out improvements
  • Forgotten password process has been updated
  • Several text updates
  • Icons for all menu options
  • Restructured options menu

Fixed bugs:

  • KPIs have been added as a menu option when in map view
  • Upload icons have replaced

Mobile application


  • Shift visualization in OEE data display for Hour, Day & Week view
  • New charts for shift specific OEE results added in OEE details
  • Update to KPI data display

Fixed bugs:

  • Correction to notification area
  • Several other small bug fixes

10 March 2017

Release 1.4

We proudly present release 1.4 of innius, which includes:

Web application


  • The login page is now responsive to smaller screens.
  • The main page design is now responsive to smaller screens, resulting in a hamburger menu on the left hand side.
  • A new sensor Tile view page has been made to display sensor data within the web application.
  • The character limit for sensor names has been increased to 128.
  • Sensors can now be made visible or invisible, not only with regard to the mobile application, but also in the Tile view page of the web application. They will always be visible in the List view.
  • It is now possible to choose from ten different frequencies when defining a sensor, instead of just three.
  • A new page shows the list of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which are: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), MTTR (Meantime To Repair) and MTBF (Meantime Between Failure). This page also shows the status and whether they have been defined (active) or not.
  • There are new KPI configuration pages for each of the KPIs, enabling sensors to be simply assigned to provide input values. This replaces the more complicated approach of building the KPIs in an Excel file and uploading it.
  • KPIs can have cautionary and emergency targets assigned, with associated notifications for the mobile application.

Fixed bugs:

  • The KPI frequency is now dependent upon the slowest input sensor.
  • Smoother transition between machine list and map views.

Mobile application


  • The sensor data graph now shows a complete period of time, rather than just the time during which the sensor was producing data.
  • Daily in-app notifications can be received based on cautionary and emergency targets for KPIs.

27 January 2017

Release 1.3.1

Here’s our latest release notes:

Web application


  • Add sensor page: sensor name field has been made smarter to indicate invalid names.
  • When blocking a user, the affected user’s name is now stated in the warning confirmation.
  • Grammar and text improvements.

Fixed bugs:

  • Columns can be sorted properly on the sensor list page.
  • A bug preventing some sensors being deleted has been fixed.
  • Sensors can no longer depend on themselves for a variable threshold.

Mobile application


  • Removing notifications in the app, now also removes them from the Android notification centre.
  • Opening a machine’s location history, opens the range selector by default.

Fixed bugs:

  • The line showing a variable threshold in the sensor details stays correctly in place.

16 January 2017

Release 1.3

We proudly present release 1.3 of innius, which includes:

New features for the Web application:

  • Easily define and edit physical and virtual sensors.
  • A sensor list page
  • Create and edit scripts for virtual sensors.
  • Advanced sensor threshold settings used to trigger notifications.
  • Improved machine icons in lists and maps, to indicate current machine connection status.
  • Manage location dialog now shows current GPS location.
  • All machines are shown on opening map view, not just current location.
  • Ability to delete data of a specific machine.
  • Export feature for OPC sensor configuration.
  • A user interface update to improve contrast and readability.

New API’s:

  • Sensor service
  • Location service

Updated API’s:

  • Monitoring service
  • Analytics service
  • Query service
  • Messaging service

New features for the mobile application:

  • Track a machine’s location history.
  • Sensors arranged based on sensor groups.
  • Sensor notifications updated to reflect new threshold possibilities.
  • Improved machine icons to indicate status.

Fixed bugs in the mobile application:

  • Zooming into maps puts grouped machine icons in their respective locations.
  • Sensors display last received value and timestamp, regardless of whether sensor is live or not.